Do you support those who support you?

Social Media & Marketing Tips
Support your support Network

Author: Mel Haeata Larson


How many people follow their followers? and how many do not? It is a good practice to get into doing and only requires a small amount of your time. This act of supporting your supporters will help in a magnitude of ways by assisting with building brand recognition, broadening your target market and among other things it will show your supporters they are important to you.

On Facebook for instance following your following could be as simple as liking their page and receiving notifications from their updates. However, why not go a little bit further and support them in their journey. Read their posts, like, share and engage with them. By doing so you are developing a rapport through expressing interest in their business or fan page encouraging them to do likewise and return the favor. Similar can be said of Instagram, Pinterest or any other popular social media outlet.

There is another avenue you can explore to reinforce your appreciation and interest in your supporters and followers. One of these methods is to offer discounts, bonuses or freebies or even free postage on your usual goods or services to your supporters exclusively to that media outlet, say for example Facebook.

Another popular method is to create an offer along the lines of this “To receive a free xyz like this post share it with your friends and comment to be in the draw. At xyz date we will select 10 people to receive xyz item”. This I am sure if you are a regular user of Facebook you will have seen this from time to time.

Posts or status updates that offer free or bonus items, though it is advisable to note in the post the ‘offer’ is not in conjunction with or endorsed by Facebook, can go a long way in retaining your current supporters and followers by rewarding them for their dedication. These methods or ones like it may also attract the attention of potential new supporters through the share-ability of the posting.

Please keep in mind these are purely optional ventures, I only suggest them as I have used these methods myself and have found them to work through personal experience.

In short whether you utilise social media through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube or LinkedIn or if you blog it is always advisable to support your supporters. This activity will go a long way in increasing your own reputation and brand/page recognition while your helping them with theirs. It will aid in developing a regular audience who will continue engaging with you and your page.


Do what you love, Love what you do


